Monday, October 14, 2013

Money matters!

I'm doing something I thought I would never do. Write about money. The first bills from the hospital are coming in and frankly, I'm scared shitless. As well as angry, angry as a wasp!

An example: the bill from the pre-op visit to the policlinic, which included a simple blood analysis and EKG. Altogether 360 euros, 79 of which laboratory costs and the rest: policlinic fees. 288 euros !!! 

Thing is that our sickness insurance will cover 80%. The hospital bed per day was 450 eur, seven days, and that only for staying there. Everything else will be billed separately. The doctors' fees, including for the operation were not so high: 1700 euros. Apparently everything that goes on in the hospital is the most expensive. And this is just for us, the hospitals are adding a hefty per cent to the euroworkers' bills. 

And we must not forget about the rehabilitation. I must thank the powers that be for the fact that I didn't choose to stay there, as was planned initially. Three weeks at close to 600 euros for the room! 

The next time something like this happens, I will just ask to be put to sleep and be done with it ... apparently, going to a hospital is not something that I can afford! So be it! Euthanize the eurotrash!


  1. The other day I heard that money was the number1 worry for people in Spain. Hope you get all better soon.

  2. That all sound awful, I don't know where you live but I'm surprised being sick can cost so much any where in Europe ( I'm assuming you are in Europe because you talk in Euros) My sister lives in France and has nothing but praise for the French system, she thinks her health care is at least as good and possibly better there than it would be here in the UK. I'm not sure exactly how it works, I think she simply claims back about 70% of every thing from the state and the remaining 30% is paid for by an inexpensive top up insurance. They are both disabled with multiple medical expenses which means if she had to find the money herself, she would never be able to live there.
    Anyhow................I'm sorry you are ill and sorry its working out so expensive for you. Really hoping you heal soon, being sick is bad enough but worrying about how to pay for illness must be even worse.
