Saturday, August 10, 2013


Company has arrived in the form of K, my gentleman friend. For the last 20 years, calling him boyfriend has felt, well, not quite right.

Anyhow, here he is, snoring in the other room and I feel peaceful for the first time since weeks. Apparently, I have been under so much stress that I hadn't realised it.

We went out for lunch at the Paraiser Plaz and later just stayed home, talking, but not even much. It was just as it was before. Myself on the sofa, him in the easy chair, drinking beer out of one can. I, snoozing a lot and him, trying to get some work done online.

It's such a good feeling to have a living soul here. I am able to be on my own but I feel safe when he's there, just sleeping and not doing much anything!


  1. Of course I saw your photos on faxebook, so I'll just say enjoy your company. Hope you both have a good week.

  2. We will, that's the good thing about old friends: we are predictable!
