Mar 22, '08 2:50 PM
Today is a special day
.... because 14 years ago, a very special person entered my life.
It was Easter night, about 1 a.m. and I was sitting alone in my little apartment, watching the Easter mass from Rome. The St. Peter's Cathedral was full of people, singing: Christ has risen, Christ has risen!
Suddenly, I heard a strange sound coming from the door, a scraping accompanied by a high-pitched whine. Oh shit, I said, as a I rushed to the door. A dog! That's all I need! I opened the door, and a young husky-type creature slipped in, dashed to the kitchen and jumped on an easy chair I had there. There he sat, panting and smiling all over his face. And here he stayed ... not in the chair but in my life, for the following 14 years.
Kuru - for that's his name, Kuru - is the most compassionate, accommodating, agreeable dog that I have met. He has a wonderful quirky sense of humour. He's the friend and protector of all smaller and weaker dogs and humans. He's been the lowest maintenance dog you can imagine. He loves driving in cars, swimming and chasing after women (dogs, that is). He's my pal and I'm his.
Now that Kuru is 14, his health is not so good anymore. In fact, it's nothing to write home about. So here I am again, sitting at my computer and wondering ... for how long is he going to stay? Nobody has an answer for that but I am eternally grateful that on that day 14 years ago, Kuru found us. All that happiness and love ...
So if I may be so bold, I ask of you, all people of goodwill and compassion, to send some good vibes in the general direction of Kuru, the dog. He deserves them.
He stayed until 13th of October 2008. I still can't look at his picture for too long ... I will probably never be over him.