Imagine someone, not unlike myself, who have been living, more or less happily in her home galaxy. Everything is known to her there. The routes and byways, the customs and costumes.
She dresses in a certain way: cord pants and parkas for comfort, sensible shoes to walk the dog. Her hair are grey and she's a bit run down, to tell you the truth. Both inside and outside. Stagnation has set in, even if she doesn't recognise it herself.
Nothing seems to be of interest any more. All the games she played, all the roles she took on: half seriously half in joke - have been played. No need for an encore.
So she carries on, knowing that there has to be something else. She knows that she has not yet reached the end of her road. And yet, she remains passive and waits ... and waits ... and waits.
Until one day she opens her eyes and everything is changed. The smells, the colours, the surroundings ... everything different. She finds herself changed too: her appearnce, even her thoughts are different.
She has been taken to live in another galaxy ... or, if you please, another level of existence, a parallel universe. Only very dimly, as if through a cloud or across a great distance, can she see her former life. The streets, the people, the nooks and crannies she used to call home.
But home is not there. It is has come with her. Although: with whom? she has to ask.
Who is that person? Or more specifically: where is she?
If just by moving to another place, the person who she was before, has been left behind ... is there really a person at all?
She might as well have died and reincarnated, so cloudy and disconnected are her memories and character.
But a new "me" has not been born yet ... and the old one has gone.
That was in 2009, 3 years ago. What has changed since? Found a new home. Fell in love with Letzebuerg. Which doesn't keep me from missing the life I used to have in Estonia. The roots run too deep. Is that a new person? I don't know, frankly.